In 2018 we start the project “Europe in Ukraine”
The Ukrainian European Perspective (Ukrajinsko Evropská Perspektiva), is an international non profit organization founded in April, 7 2011 in Prague, that operates in accordance with Act No. 166/1985 Sb. In accordance to the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic: č.j .: MV-13820-11 / VS-2011, IČ .: 72541954.
Adress: Ukrajinsko Evropská Perspektiva, Politických vězňů 21, 110 00 Praha 1.
Contacts 1: office UEP
Tel .: +420 775 781 997, E-mail:
Contacts 2: Coordinator of the projekt Europe in Ukraine
Marianna Danyliv, E-mail:
Founders were:
– Vasyl Daniliv – successful Ukrainian businessman, philanthropist, citizen of Ukraine, with a permanent residence in Czech Republic.
– Bohdan Danilishyn – professor, academician of NAN of Ukraine, ex-Minister for Economy of Ukraine, dissident, – struggled with Yanukovych regime and got political refugee status in Czech Republic, citizen of Ukraine.
– Iryna Khalupa – Chief Editor of «Radio Svoboda», citizen of the USA.
– Halyna Andreyciv – public activist, volunteer, leader of NGO «Ukrainian European Perspective», citizen of Ukraine with a permanent residence in Czech Republic.
A primary goal of activity of UEP is an assistance in European integration of Ukraine, development of cultural and economic cooperation between Ukraine and EU, realization of humanitarian projects for support of Ukraine and defense of rights and interests of Ukrainians.
Strategic aims and tasks : lobbying of interests of Ukraine in Europe for finally signing the Agreement about an association between Ukraine and EU, defense of interests of Ukraine in European Parliament, creation and support of positive image of Ukraine in Europe, combining efforts of active public and political leaders of the world to implement in Ukraine the European standards of life and became strong democratic European country.
Our main projects:
- For the first several years of our activity Ukrainian European Perspective actively worked on the exposure of crimes of Yanukovych regime and release of political prisoners in Ukraine. We also did a profound research and prepared a bunch of materials for the «Black book of corruption of Yanukovych regime».
- Czech-Ukrainian humanitarian project of «S.O.S.- Help people of Maidan to survive». Fund-rising project to support Maidan in Ukraine. We sent from Czech Republic to Kyiv medicines, warm clothes and meals. We organized the rehabilitation in Czech medical centers for several wounded fighters of Maidan. For this period we spent about 1 ml. Czech crowns on supporting the fight for liberty in Ukraine.
- After the start of Russian aggression and capturing Crimea, we started another project – «Help Ukraine together -Czech». The mission was to help a civil population and Ukrainian soldiers in the area of conflict, military and field hospitals, wounded soldiers, temporal migrants from Crimea and zone of conflict, orphans and sick children. From the beginning of 2014 we successfully implemented:
– «Czech vacations» – Summer and winter vacations and rehabilitation for children from Ukraine;
– A «list of dreams» is a personal financial help, repair of houses, payment of educational courses, purchase and delivery of gifts and necessary things for the families of the victims of war in the East of Ukraine.
We actively work to drive attention of European community to the problems and real situation on the East of Ukraine. We talk to the EU Parliament members to fully support the sanctions against Russia – country of aggressor. We organize meetings of Ukrainian soldiers, volunteers, political and public activists with European community to inform the european society about the real situation in Ukraine, and fair losses due to the Russian aggression.
- «Ukraine, welcome to Europe!» – a project is aimed to strengthen the cultural cooperation between Ukraine and Czech Republic, popularization of Ukraine, creation, promotion and permanent support of positive image of Ukraine in Europe. Organization of music festivals, concerts, charity fairs and auctions, art exhibitions. We represent Ukraine on all multicultural events in Prague.
- We are co-founders of a unique project «Prague Maidan» – one of the most long-lasting street protests that started in September, 2014 in the center of Prague and exists till today. Purpose – to drive attention of the whole world to the Russian aggression in Ukraine and Russian propaganda.
For over 7 years of activity due to a trust and permanent support of the Czech and Ukrainian philanthropists Ukrainian European Perspective spent almost 4 ml. Czech crowns on the projects to support Ukraine. For over 7 years of it’s activity Ukrainian European Perspective gained a status of an «ambassador» of Ukraine in Europe. We worked with opinion leaders and politicians, journalists and scientist who sincerely support the pro-european course of Ukraine. We are trusted and well known.
Our activity is always transparent. Among the partners of UEP are – Magistrate of the city of Prague, National gallery of Prague, Integration center in Czech Republic, Ukrainian World Congress, and many other NGOs. The projects of UEP were implemented under the patronage of the Embassy of Ukraine in Czech Republic and the head of region 4 of Prague – Petro Shtepanka. Some of our projects are financed by the Magistrate of the city of Prague, Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine and BLÍŽKSOBĚ charity foundation.
In 2018 we start the project “Europe in Ukraine”
Dear friend, we sincerely believe that Ukraine can be a strong, independent European country but on the other hand we see all gaps and obstacles on Ukraines way to prosperity such as corruption, double standards, disability to fulfill all commitments in order to successfully become part of EU. This is the reason why we decided to create a group of EU Parliament members, which we call “Europe in Ukraine ”.
We believe that with the support of the leading European politicians we can not only effectively influence the process of reforms in Ukraine but also we help the country in it’s striving to European Union.
The Group of EU Parliament members «Europe in Ukraine» will:
- influence the realization of reforms in Ukraine – administrative reform, land reform, supreme court reform;
- lobbying the interests of Ukraine regarding Russian aggression to resolve the conflict on the East of Ukraine as soon as possible, to support a monitoring mission OSCE;
- support the establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine;
- support the elimination of corruption and oligharkhizm in Ukraine;
- fully support and take part in the process of obtaining the EU membership by Ukraine.
Ukrainian European Perspective welcomes you to support Ukraine on its way to Europe and to join our project:
You can support the project through: Raiffeisen Bank a.s , 6283201036 / 5500 IBAN CZ15 5500 0000 0062 8320 1036 SWIFT RZBCCZPP , with a remark “Europe in Ukraine”
Marianna Danyliv is the coordinator of the project and he is authorized to negotiate and communicate with European Parliament Members, Ukrainian politicians and governmental bodies on our behalf. You can contact Marianna via e-mail
We would like to thank to Vasyl Myroshnychenko who joined us as EU – Ukraine Public Affairs Director in our project and to Michael Burchill who joined as a volunteer in the role of EU – Ukraine Liaison Director.
Contact e-mail , michael.burchill@u-e-
We truly believe that each of us and all together we create the future of Ukraine!