A group of Ukrainian children visited Prague for the Christmas holidays.
Fifteen children from all over Ukraine will spend their free time during the Catholic Christmas in Czech capital city. Interesting and diverse program in Czech Republic for Ukrainian children was made possible due to the efforts of NGO “Ukrainian European Perspective”, city council of Prague, leaders of Prague city districts and – not in the last turn – efforts of Ukrainian and Czech volunteers. Czech side has fully taken care of organisation children’s vacation in Prague.
It’s been the second time when Ukrainian and Czech activists managed to organize trip for Ukrainian children in Prague during winter holidays. These festive days of Catholic Christmas special children came to Prague – children from families, who have lost fathers in the armed conflict between Ukrainian military and militants, supported by Russia, in the Donbass. These children have survived great loss, and therefore Ukrainian and Czech volunteers try to manage the time so, that there are as many interesting events and meetings as possible, including events with Czech kids.
Main role in making the trip possible, just as the previous year, played NGO Ukrainian European Perspective, that works in Czech Republic.
In particular, coordinator of the project, activist Galina Andrejciv, managed to agree with several Czech institutions, that provided accomodation and organized activities fir Ukrainian children on a voluntary basis: “We have been cooperating with the Prague 4 (district – ed.) for two years, and municipality of Prague supports us as well. Also several companies and just Ukrainian and Czech volunteers help – people, who always help with these projects”.
So, one of the kindergartens in Prague offered their spaces for accommodating children and the leadership of the Prague 4 district organized free visits to the House of toys, National technical museum and the Museum of chocolate for Ukrainian children.
As representative of the Prague 4 district Daniel Kunc mentioned in his comment for RadioFreeEurope, Czech people are happy to help Ukrainian children: “These are the children of the people, who were fighting for their motherland, for the freedom of their land. This way we want to express that we stand together with Ukrainians and with Ukraine. It is a symbolic gesture!”
Galina Andrejciv has told RadioFreeEurope, that children from Ukraine have prepared a holiday present for theirs Czech friends. Not only children, but also grown-ups will hear Ukrainian carols, that children will be singing in the very center of Prague under under the main Christmas tree: “Children’s program is quite full. They will have a guided tour around the Christmas Prague, will visit a festive liturgy, will sing Ukrainian carols on the main square. Christmas dinner, tree and presents – as always. Children will have a chance to visit Prague Zoo, renowned galleries, museums, master-classes. They will also get to know Czech traditions, to rest and to meet new friends”.
Thanks to the Czech and Ukrainian volunteers, tradition of helping Ukraine in the difficult times of Russian aggression continues – so this year, just like the previous one, children of deceased Ukrainian heroes will spend winter holidays in Prague.