
Three camions with humanitarian aid are on their way from Czech Republic to Ukraine

By December 1, 2015 No Comments

Czech humanitarian aid for Ukraine has been successfully loaded and today it has been sent off to Ukraine. Three camions have left to the Ukrainian towns by the front line. They are bringing Christmas presents for children, medicine, food, warm clothes, consruction materials and other things, so much needed at the moment in the Eastern Ukraine. Developments in Syria and Paris have, unfortunately, replaced Ukraine completely in world’s media. Majority is mistakenly thinking, that the war in Ukraine is over. Thanks God, there are people in Czech Republic, who understand, that nothing is over. People are bringing help from all over Czech Republic: form NGO Chuť Pomáhat (Will to help) in Brno, from NGO Ukrainian European Perspective in Prague. We are proud that we are again helping people in Czech Republic collect and prepare for send-off things, crucially important for Ukraine.

Let us tell you about people, whom we should thank for the humanitarian aid, that is again coming to Ukraine.

Kvido Štěpánek – a person, who is very brave and has a kind heart. To be honest, in the first league of Czech business there are not many people who would openly criticize Russia and help Ukraine. Kvido is different. The owner of the Czech machine-building Company Isolit-Bravo, he has 11 camions, that started bringing humanitarian aid to Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea. There is a Ukrainian flag hanging in his shop, he remembers the occupation in 1968 and knows, how important help is for us.

Ivo Dokoupil – Czech volunteer from the organization „People in need“, coordinator of humanitarian aid from Czech Republic.

What kinds of riddles of Ukrainian bureaucratic system has Ivo had to solve… 🙂

Renowed photographer, human rights advocate, ecologist and traveller. He always accompanies Czech aid to the destination point. „People in need“ is the only western humanitarian organization, working in Donbass.

Kody Michal Kislicki – he is a person with exceptionally kind and big heart, full of God’s love, belief in us and patience.

We have only recently met Kody, and he has instantly become so close and important to us.

For more than a year Czech volunteer has been going to the Eastern Ukraine. Upon return, he organizes seminars across Czech Republic about war in Ukraine. He is explaining Czech People, what is really going on in Donbass.

He is able to reach hundreds of hearts, and people are helping Ukrainians on the front line to survive.

Also, there are average Czech people, who do not get tired of helping – ragrdless all the political nuances of this country.

They help all this, who so desperately need it.

They visit friends, collecting help, they leave warm houses and families and with no unnecessary words are bringing all the goods for hundreds of kilometers to refugees, migrants, victims of the war. They cry and they feel happy together with us, they are feeling hurt when we are, they sincerely believe in us, in our victory and in restoration of Ukraine.

Their eyes are full of understanding, support and compassion. And we are thankful to God for each and every one of them.

This is Czech Republic – from my perspective and my experience.

Peace to all of us, because without it nothing else matters.